Stiär Biär

Micro Brewery Stiär Biär, Canton Uri Switzerland

Stiär Biär was founded in 2005 by Max Herger and Mario Muther. After more than 100 years without a brewery in the canton of Uri, the tranquil mountain canton once again had its own micro brewery, and in the very premises that had previously been used as a brewery. For the history of the brew house, see the text below.

Stiär Biär is omnipresent in Uri and enjoys a reputation far beyond the canton's borders. Their range includes classic beer styles such as lager, wheat beer or even a non-alcoholic beer. But brewmaster Marius also brews IPAs, stouts, tripels and other specialities. Marius has been part of the Stiär Biär team since the beginning of December 2020 and brings his experience in speciality beers. In addition to the standard range, the new creations are an enrichment for the beer variety in the canton of Uri.

The Stiär Biär brew house has a long history to tell. It was built in 1866 as a brewery by Bernhard Vinzenz Reiser. Bernhard Vinzenz is an ancestor of's CEO, Chris Lusser. But he was also the owner of the Gasthaus Ochsen, today's Hotel and Restaurant Reiser, where Chris Lusser grew up and certainly got his gastro DNA. The history of the Stiär Biär brewery is therefore closely linked to Bernhard Vinzenz Reiser brewed beer in the brewery exclusively for his inn. Later, the brewery became the property of the then Spiess brewery in Lucerne. This in turn merged with the Bavarian brewery located on the Eichhof estate and became the United Lucerne Breweries. Since 1960, this brewery has been called Eichhof and belongs to the Heineken Group. But back to the brew house: after its days as a brewery were numbered, it became the property of the Swiss Confederation and was used as a military hospital during the Second World War. Later, the building functioned as an army pharmacy and finally stood empty for years - until Stiär Biär AG moved into the building to revive the old brewing tradition of the canton of Uri. The brew house offers the best conditions for brewing delicious beer. With its thick walls and thus incoming constantly cool climate in the walls, it is perfectly suited for the art of brewing.